How to automate Music Royalties

Do you spend weeks on your music royalty statements, including controlling and manual adjustments? Let ALV do it for you in hours or days, instead, at the push of a button.

The truth is that no one, besides you, understands how much effort it takes to create royalty statements and make sure that you can account for every penny. 

You deserve to use the market leading royalty accounting software, which is ALV. Made with care in Berlin, Germany, and backed-up with unparalleled service and support. 

Royalty Statements

ALV generates royalty statements for the period you select (e.g. "3Q2019") and all licensors you check, in Excel and PDF format. It outputs:

  • a high-level cover sheet of the sums
  • a separate "details" sheet of all monies
  • a per-work summary with subtotals
  • a diagram-ladden "Top 10 " single-page PDF

From simple splits to weighted refunding, from territory limitations to flat-rate deductions, there is almost no math that ALV royalty accounting cannot handle and automate. And if so, we'll make it handle it for you as part of our setup consulting work. 

For each licensor, you can set the output language (German or English) of the statement and let ALV insert customized text snippets. Holding Tax waivers, e.g. according to §50 EStG (Income Tax Act) for foreign authors, are taken into account by ALV as well as Reverse Charge issues.

What if your foreign publishing partner has dozens or maybe hundreds of sub-catalogues? No problem, ALV incorporates them into a single, filter-ready royalty statement in one fell swoop.

Furthermore, you can use your very own business stationery with ALV and set that your logo and address data should not be output automatically to avoid overwriting your beautiful business paper.

Royalty Statements for artists and partners
Royalty statement for your music partners

Statements for specific periods

Download option for royalty statements
Control royalties for your statement

"Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser"

This German adage ("Trust is good, control is better") sums up our approach: you are always in full control of all revenue flows and calculations. ALV is no black box. All processing and accounting, all data and results are yours to easily check and fix, if needed, and ALV helps you at every step. Actually, before long, you will fall in love with the function of "test calculation" of exemplary works across all possible income categories. Within seconds, ALV shows you if your copyright data and contract definitions are correct and lead to the results you want.

You deserve the best and most knowledgeable solution on the market, to spare you having to fix wrong statements generated by simplified split calculators. Copyrights and royalties are complex, income data is often messy and full of errors, so upgrade to ALV to be a pro.

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